Infrastructural Facilities in ICE

  • ICE Department takes pride in saying that we possess state-of-the-art facilities that helps the students to not only understand the concepts of engineering, but also to practically implement the same to provide solution to various societal issues
  • Our exceptional technological facilities allow the students to enjoy engineering as they get the feel that they are not just students, but engineers capable of shaping their own future
  • The facilities that transforms our students to engineers are,
    • Laboratories – our department has top-notch equipment’s to give the students an industrial level experience
    • Seminar Halls – our department has ICT enabled seminar hall and classrooms, which allows our faculty members to utilize both software and hardware resources for efficient teaching
    • Department Library – our department library holds a total of 604 books, which includes both foreign and Indian author’s books. These help the students to easily refer concepts without purchasing them
    • Research – we are proud to say that we have a dedicated space for research and even the Govt. of Tamilnadu has recognized our research facilities and has sanctioned around 27 lakhs for a DST project

    ICE Alumni delivers Guest lecture to students
