- The Department of Management Studies and the Entrepreneurship Development Cell of our College organised ENVISION 2024, a one day programme on entrepreneurship awareness and guidance on 05.10.2024 (Saturday).
- The Entrepreneurship Development cell of Saranathan College of Engineering and the Self-reliant Bharat Mission jointly organise Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme on 18.08.2023
- Received grant of Rs 60,000 from Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India. Three day Entrepreneurship Awareness camps were organized in Saranathan College of Engineering in three Phases. The first phase of the program was conducted from 18/02/2019 to 20/02/2019.The second phase of the program was conducted from 23/01/2020 to 25/01/2020 and the third phase was organized between 06/04/2022 and 08/04/2022.
- Department of Management Studies & EDC organized the II phase of Three Days “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” between 18th – 20th February 2019 sponsored by DST-NIMAT-EDII, Government of India and received a grant of Rs 40,000.
- Shri. C.Ramaswamy Desai, Project Director CR Business Solutions, Trichy inaugurated the first phase of “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” on 16th August 2018 and the sessions were handled by J.Geetha CEO- Gramalaya Microfinance,Trichy, Dr M.Malarvizhi Managing Director Ismart Technologies, Manaparai, A.L Muthu Retd Manager,IOB Freelance Trainer.
- ED cell successfully completed the WF-NEN(100) PM-YUVA (Pradhan Mantri Yuva Udyamita Vikas Abhiyan) MSDE Entrepreneurship course for 57 students from the period of 03rd March – 29th June 2018
- One Day Workshop on “Business Plan Preparation” was organized on 28th December 2017 and the program was graced by resource persons from diversified field ( Dr. S. Sundar, Management Consultant & Formerly Professor BIM, Dr. R. Gayathri, MD-ismart Technology , Manapparai, Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Professor & Head /MBA, Mr. T. Venkatesan , Director, Fifth Wheel Drive)
- Women Entrepreneurs Association of Tamil Nadu ( WEAT ) offered a One Day Workshop “Self Employment Skill Training” on 26th September 2017.
- Ms. M. Amudha, Director, PCM Naturals Biotech , Madurai delivered a Guest lecture on the title “ The Spirit of Entrepreneurship” on 26th July 2017.
- EDC in collaboration with ICT academy organized a “ Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” on 18th February 2015 and the occasion was enriched with the presence of Chief Guest Mrs. Rani Muralidharan, Executive Director – GK sons Engineering enterprise, Trichy & Chollin Selvan V-Managing Director- Ventured Avighnaa food & Rengamani Industries