S. No. | Criteria | Links |
1 | Vision, Mission and Educational Objectives | |
1.2 | State the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) | Click Here |
1.3 | Indicate where and how the Vision, Mission and PEOs are published and disseminated among stake holders | Click Here |
1.4 | State the process for defining the Vision and Mission of the Department, and PEOs of the program | Click Here |
2 | Program Curriculum and Teaching - Learning Process | |
2.2 | Teaching-Learning Processes | |
2.2.1 | Describe the Process followed to improve quality of Teaching Learning | Click Here |
2.2.3 | Quality of student projects | Click Here |
2.2.4 | Initiatives related to industry interaction | Click Here |
2.2.5 | Initiatives related to industry internship/summer training | Click Here |
3 | Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes | |
3.1 | Establish the correlation between the courses and the POs & PSOs | Click Here |
3.2 | Attainment of Course Outcomes | |
3.2.1 | Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of course outcomes is based | Click Here |
3.2.2 | Record the attainment of course outcomes of all the courses with respect to set attainment levels | Click Here |
4 | Student’s Performance | |
4.5 | Placement, Higher studies and Entrepreneurship | Click Here |
4.6 | Professional societies | Click Here |
5 | Faculty Information and Contributions | |
5.2 | Faculty Cadre Proportion | Click Here |
5.3 | Faculty Qualification | Click Here |
5.4 | Faculty Retention | Click Here |
5.5 | Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning | Click Here |
5.6 | Faculty as participants in Faculty development/training activities/STTPs | Click Here |
5.7 | Research and Development | Click Here |
7 | Continuous Improvement | |
7.3 | Improvement in Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship | Click Here |
8 | First Year Academics | |
8.4 | Attainment of Course Outcomes of first year courses | Click Here |
8.5 | Attainment of Course Outcomes of all first year courses | |
8.5.1 | Indicate results of evaluation of each relevant PO/PSO | Click Here |
8.5.2 | Actions taken based on the results of evaluation of relevant Pos/PSOs | Click Here |
9 | Student Support Systems | |
9.1 | Mentoring system to help at individual level | Click Here |
9.2 | Feedback analysis and reward /corrective measures taken, if any | Click Here |
9.3 | Feedback on Facilities | Click Here |
9.4 | Self Learning | Click Here |
9.5 | Career Guidance, Training, Placement | Click Here |